Dear friends,
First thank you very much for being here visiting my web.
Back to the past, one year ago, I joined Own-free-website with “very begining” knowledge of web design. But very soon after starting, I’ve learned a lot from the community. From “zero ground”, now I am a "webmaster" can make my site as good as you are viewing it.
Furether more, this free web can generate some money. Of course, it is not for becoming a millionaire, but it make me still staying on internet. I surely invite you for a drink once meet each other!
I believe that all of you are much more better than me as the beginning. So your sites should be the best soon!
I all so hope that, you will find around here something useful for your web building. And even more, how to make money with your web. No kidding or cheating! Please try now...
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me by email or signing my guestbook.
Any comment is welcome.
For more tips on web design or make money, please use Google Search!
How to Make Money From Your Website
Now that you've created a website, how do you make money from it? There are at least two ways in which sites can make money:
- Advertising Revenue
- Selling Goods and Services
The first way is most common for earning money from a website.
Here is some definition:
- CPM - cost per impression
- Every time an ad is displayed it counts as one impression. Rates are usually quoted for 1,000 impressions. Good choice for a busy site.
- CPC - cost per click
- Every time someone clicks, it counts as one clickthrough. Rates can be anywhere form a cent to a dollar with .10 to .17 being common.
- Leads
- If you send a person to the site who then "signs" up or participates in some way specified by the ad sponsor then a "lead" is created.
- Sales
- You receive a commission on sales. Amazon is an example of this type of program.
- Affiliate
- When you join up with a program or "associate" yourself with it you are an "affiliate". Usually they handle getting the ads, keeping statistics and you just need to display the ads.
Enjoy making money from your site ^_^ |
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